
Anyaebunam v. Osaka [2000]

The benefits conferred by incorporation are disclosed in sections 2(3) of the Act. By such incorporation the association becomes a body corporate by the name described in the certificate with perpetual succession, and a common seal, and power to sue and be sued in such a corporate name. Also by section 2(3) of the Act, at the date of incorporation, any land or any interest therein now or hereafter belonging to, or held for the benefit of such community, body or association of persons in such and the like manner, and subject to such restrictions and provisions. as such trustees or trustee might, without such incorporation. hold or acquire. conveyor assign, or demise the same for the purposes of such community. body or association of persons.

~ Samson Odemwingie Uwaifo, CON, JSC (Rtd)

If you wish to commence a registration of a business or entity, you can fill up the form below.

Please enter your name
Please enter your phone number
What is the business or entity into?
Companies limited by shares are valued in terms of their shares, it could be one million shares or more dependent on the nature of business, citizenship of directors or your preferences. This does not mean you must have N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira) before you can register. It is merely a matter of shares valuation. Please contact us should you need further details.
Percentage Shareholding: 0
Percentage Shareholding: 0
Percentage Shareholding: 0