#EndSARS: Court Compels INEC to Register Political Party

It was all smiles this Tuesday for countless Nigerian youths who lost their friends and comrades during the #EndSARS Protest, as a High Court Sitting in Abuja compelled the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to register their political party, Africa Youth Democratic Party (AYDP).

Shortly after the #EndSARS and #EndBadGovernance Protest which shutdown the nation Nigeria and made global headline for weeks, the youths gathered themselves and formed a political association which they had sought to register as a political party.

On 30th December, 2020 the association lodged a Letter of Intent with INEC, and had to write a further Letter of Intent on 16th February, 2021 due to INEC’s long silence on their initial letter. The Commission however in a letter exhibited reluctance in approving the name, acronym, and two different, but similar logos suggested by the youths.

The Court was approached on 22nd February, 2021 when it became apparent that the fate of the intended political party may never see the light of day. The High Court on 13th July, 2021 upheld the case of the youths. Hon. Justice E. Okpe specifically declared that the refusal by INEC to register the association as a political party amounts to a violation of the fundamental human right of the youths to freely form and belong to a political party of their choice.

Consequently, INEC was ordered by the Court to facilitate the registration of AYDP within 30 days from when the judgment of the Court is served on the Commission.

AN ORDER is made compelling the Respondents severally to within 30 days from the date this Order is served on them, to facilitate the registration of the Applicant’s political party, to be known and referred to as Africa Youth Democratic Party (AYDP) with the acronym and logo as contained in the Letter of Intent of the Applicants dated, submitted and received by the Respondents on the 16th February, 2021, as the Applicants are willing, able and ready to meet all legal requirement for their registration inclusive of the payment of the N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira) Administrative Fee as prescribed by the Respondents in their Regulation. Hon. Justice E. Okpe (Samuel & 8 Ors for AYDP vs I.N.E.C. & Anor)

Click here to get full judgment.


2 Replies to “#EndSARS: Court Compels INEC to Register Political Party”

  1. Anonymous says: July 16, 2021 at 8:17 am

    Good one. Well done for this bravery. Please keep up the good work. Other youths are solidly behind you!
    God bless you, God bless AYDP and God bless Nigeria!!

  2. Anonymous says: July 16, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    There is still hope for Nigeria. This is a victory for our collective future. May Allah bless the Judge.

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